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Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs, a multi-purpose cheap & easy go-to remedy

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is often seen as a miracle cure for everything. From itchy skin to digestion issues, some people feel it can clean up pretty much anything in your dog. But what’s the truth about apple cider vinegar for dogs?

Apple cider vinegar is good for dogs in many ways. So here are the topical and internal benefits of apple cider vinegar … but first, what should you look for when you buy it?

What To Look For In Apple Cider Vinegar

Before you buy apple cider vinegar, there are a few things you should know. The first is that you should look for raw, organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Organic ACV will allow you to avoid pesticides … and other toxic chemicals used in commercial farming.

And a raw product means it’s not pasteurized. Pasteurization kills off the living enzymes in the ACV. Your dog needs those live enzymes to reap the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

The main difference you’ll see between raw and pasteurized ACV is the “mother”. The mother is the bacteria and yeast used to ferment the apple cider into vinegar. The mother will make the ACV cloudy. Or you might see a blob at the bottom of the bottle that looks kind of like a spider web.

Shake the bottle before use. Now you’re ready to go!

Topical Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar

Here are a few of the best topical uses …

Itchy Skin

ACV can help relieve itchy skin and rashes caused by yeast and poison ivy. The best way to apply it is by making a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apply it directly onto itchy spots.

Caution: Do NOT put it on open wounds. The vinegar will sting if the wound is raw.

If you can’t apply topically and yeast is your main concern, you can feed ACV to your dog in her food or water. In The Veterinarians’ Guide to Natural Remedies for Dogs, Dr Donna Starita Mehan DVM explains that yeast doesn’t do well in an acid environment. So feeding 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ACV twice daily can help.

Ear Cleaner

Itchy skin is often accompanied by itchy ears – and nobody wants that. But should you clean your dog’s ears regularly? Usually, the answer is no.

If you notice wax or gunk in your dog’s ears, it’s best to leave them alone. Dirty ears are usually a sign your dog is detoxing something from the inside! So let the body do its work … and the gunky ears will often clear up on their own.

But if your dog’s itchy and uncomfortable, then you need to help. In that case, you can clean gunky ears using a solution of half ACV/half purified water.

  1. Clean dirty ears using individual cotton balls soaked in the solution.

  2. Swab out the ears until the cotton ball comes out clean.

It’s very important to only wipe the visible parts of the ear. Your dog’s ears’ internal workings are very delicate and you don’t want to damage them. So …

  • Don’t pour solutions into your dog’s ears – use a cotton ball or pad.

  • Never use cotton swabs like Q-tips.

Flea and Tick Repellent

Even the healthiest, cleanest dog may end up playing host to these critters. Fortunately, ACV can once again come to the rescue.

Before your dog goes out, spray her with a 50/50 solution of ACV and water.

And for some added oomph, put ACV in your dog’s food or water during flea and tick season. Add up to 1 Tbsp for a 50 lb dog. You may want to start with less, in case your dog doesn’t like the taste. The acidity will help make your dog less appealing to ticks and fleas.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea Body Rinse

As an alternative to the 50/50 apple cider vinegar and water mix, you may want to try an apple cider vinegar tea body rinse. This body rinse can be useful to restore skin pH, soothe itchy skin, calm rashes and welts. It has some added benefits for keeping biting flies, fleas and gnats at bay as well.

Mix the following ingredients together in a glass bottle or jar with a cap. Shake well before use:

½ cup apple cider vinegar

½ cup brewed green tea (cooled)

1 cup distilled water

After bathing, apply this room temperature rinse to your dog’s coat and skin … then massage it in. Rinse well and pat dry. Or. you can let the apple cider vinegar mix air dry for the added benefit of bug relief.

You can also pre-make this blended mixture and store the glass jar in the refrigerator. But allow it to warm to room temperature before use. It’ll be good for 1 or 2 weeks. If you spot any mold on it, throw it away.

PRO TIP If your dog is getting a little stinky or if they like to roll around in dead animals, this rinse can help remove odours from her coat.

Pet Stains And Odours

ACV is very useful in helping to clean up pet stains and odours. For stains, a 1:3 ratio of ACV to water mixture can help clean up a pet stain as well as reduce and possibly eliminate odour. Spritzing ACV on your dog’s bedding or favourite spot can help reduce musty doggy smells.

Internal Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar

Beyond the topical uses of apple cider vinegar, there are a number of ways that apple cider vinegar can help your dog internally as well.

Blood Sugar Control

ACV may be able to help with regulating blood sugar levels in your dog. Studies show that taking apple cider vinegar for 8 to 12 weeks can reduce blood sugar levels (1). This could help prevent diabetes .. or in an already diabetic dog, could mean she needs less insulin.

Cardiovascular Health

There are a number of cardiovascular benefits to apple cider vinegar. The acetic acid in ACV can help reduce high lipid levels (2) and high blood pressure (3). This can lead to better heart health for your dog.


There is evidence that ACV has antimicrobial properties. In particular, ACV can help restrict the growth of toxic bacteria like E. coli, S. aureus (staph infection) and yeast like C. albicans (candida). This means you can use it to help manage infections in your dog … including urinary tract infections.


ACV can help reduce oxidative stresses that come with obesity. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals (unstable, damaged molecules) begin to harm the cells in your dog’s body. Oxidation is a normal process in the body, but if free radicals become unbalanced, the damage can contribute to numerous health issues … including complications from obesity.

One study noted that feeding male rats a daily dose of ACV reduced the oxidative stressors. This lowered the risk of obesity related diseases.

Gut Health

It’s a fact that gut health is incredibly important to your dog’s overall health. That’s because nearly 90% of your dog’s immune system is in her gut. Probiotics are good bacteria that support your dog’s gut health. And prebiotics feed those good bacteria to help them work better.

The fermentation process used for raw ACV makes it a useful prebiotic. ACV’s prebiotic properties support the good bacteria in the gut, helping with digestion and keeping the gut nice and healthy.

Dosage Information

Don’t give your dog undiluted ACV. Always mix it into her water or food. Give the following daily amount depending on the size of your dog:

1 tsp for dogs up to 6kg

2 tsp for dogs 6kg to 15kg

1 tbsp for dogs 16kg to 40kg

NOTE: When you use apple cider vinegar internally or topically, remember to monitor your dog for any adverse reactions. Dogs who are sensitive to ACV may vomit or get itchy skin.

The Bottom Line

Apple cider vinegar may not be the miracle-working solution some claim it to be. But it definitely has benefits that your dog could use. ACV can relieve your dog’s itching, repel fleas and ticks and can be used as an ear cleaner.

ACV can help your dog internally as well. ACV can help regulate blood sugar levels. It’s great for the heart health of your dog and it can help prevent toxic bacteria from gaining a foothold.

It can help your dog in so many ways and you probably already have it in your kitchen cabinet. So give this convenient, multi-purpose remedy a try.

Apple Cider Vinegar - the all purpose natural remedy

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